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Root Canals

Root Canals

Why Do I Need A Root Canal?

The pulp of the tooth has become damaged, and needs to be removed. If it is not removed, the tissues surrounding the root of the tooth can become infected, resulting in pain and swelling. Even if there is no pain, certain substances released by bacteria can damage the bone than anchors the tooth in the jaw. Without treatment, the tooth may have to be extracted.

How Long Will The Restored Tooth Last?

A tooth with a root canal filling can provide years of service similar to nearby teeth that have not been treated. However, teeth with root canal fillings may become decayed, develop fracture lines, or gum disease can develop around the treated toot just like any other tooth. Good daily cleaning habits and regular dental exams will help you keep and maintain your teeth.

What Does Treatment Involve?

  • Local anesthesia is applied to make the procedure more comfortable, and a rubber latex or plastic dam is applied to keep the tooth dry. An opening is made through the tooth’s crown into the pulp chamber.The pulp and remaining tissue are carefully removed from the pulp chamber and root canal(s). Each root canal is cleaned and shaped to allow it to be filled.
  • The pulp and remaining tissue are carefully removed from the pulp chamber and root canal(s). Each root canal is cleaned and shaped to allow it to be filled.
  • Medication may be applied to the pulp chamber and root canal to eliminate bacteria.
  • A temporary filling may be placed in the crown opening to prevent saliva from enter the pulp chamber and root canal(s), or your dentist may immediately begin the next stage of filling the root canal(s) as described below. You may also be given antibiotics if infection is present and has spread beyond the end of the root(s).
  • During the next stage of treatment, after placement of a rubber dam, the temporary filling is removed (if one was placed at an earlier visit). The root canal(s) are usually filled with gutta-percha, a rubber-like material from various tropical trees.
  • In the final step, your tooth may be restored by a prosthetic crown or filling to strengthen it and improve its appearance. A prosthetic crown may be made of a metal alloy or porcelain, and the filling may be made of many different materials.
To learn more about Root Canals or to schedule an appointment, call Vickers Family Dental today 281-440-1200!